March 14, 2012

I Quit My Day Job!

Well there has been a lot of changes since I last posted. To get to the point, I left my day job and am taking on my art as a full time gig! Yea, that's right! I QUIT MY DAY JOB!!!! Honestly it didn't happen nearly as glamorously as I imagined nor did it happen when I wanted it to but the bottom line is... it finally happened and everything feels new.
I had a great power talk about business and being an artist in business with my husband and what I learned is that we have both grown a lot since our beginnings which is fabulous news! I now understand that I no longer want to be a big time manufacturer or necessarily a big time designer. What I want to be is a Designer working in her field happily making a decent living. Simple really. I can't believe it's taken 10 years for me to find that out but I am so glad that I did. I am more focuded and see the big picture.

Anyways... that's whats been going on lately. I will have lots of posts coming soon just trying to acclimate myself to my new surroundings, area and opportunities. Thank you for your prayers, support and following. It has meant so much to me.

Chat with y'all soon!

Marion Renee

See my whole collection at or at

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